“Sandia Peak Ski Area Mountain Coaster”
Map by: https://segroup.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapSeries/index.html?appid=1d661866945f4d74b78e1321a9d83522
Please share and submit a public comment in opposition to the proposed "Sandia Peak Ski Area Mountain Coaster." They are proposing to build a mountain coaster at the peak and working to categorically exclude an Environmental Assesment or Environmental Impact Statement. There will be long term environmental impacts to the area if this were to be developed.
Sandia Peak Ski Area Mountain Coaster Project Key Talking Points:
The Cibola National Forest is considering a Sandia Peak Area Mountain Roller Coaster project. Their reason is to support this proposal for the “passive recreation experience.”
The CNF is also considering to categorically exclude this project from any Environmental Assessment (EA) or Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) process because of “minimal amount of new disturbances.”
Although, there needs to be cumulative impact studies or understanding on how this will affect the mountain and forest area in the long run. This type of recreation would bring an increased amount of traffic to the peak and could have adverse environmental impacts to the entire watershed and wildlife. Noise pollution, increased litter, and other types of contamination could occur because of increased recreation.
This mountain is also sacred to the Pueblo of Sandia and it’s community members. It isn’t known whether the tribe was consulted about this project.
Whether this project proposal is within the Special Use Permit boundaries of Sandia Peak, the outer boundaries could experience adverse impact to this type of recreation.
Has the Pueblo of Sandia been notified or consulted? Whether or not it is in the boundaries of the Sandia Peak Ski Area SUP there still needs to be meaningful tribal consultation and consent as the tribe has vested interest in any development or increased visitation to their mountain.
To Bryan West, Project Manager,
This public comment is in opposition of the proposed project, “Sandia Peak Ski Area Mountain Coaster #56985.”